Ava Chiba is an Austrian painter and spiritual artist, currently based in Munich, Germany. She studied with Prof. Hans Seeger (Artschool Munich), holds a Master of Arts in Design and Visual Communication (Munich University of Applied Sciences), and a Bachelor’s Degree in Communications (Bavarian Academie for Marketing and Communication). Her works have been exhibited throughout Europe in exhibitions and curated festivals, including the 2018 Studio Seefeld exhibition LIGHT FALLS, and the 2020 exhibition Mantra Healing Art, at the Villa Adolphine Art Hotel.

Ava’s artworks are a result of years of study on spiritual philosophy. For more than 20 years she has devoted her artistic considerations to the invisible vibrations that are operating powerfully behind the physical form. Working predominantly within the medium of acrylic on canvas, her creations encapsulate and explore themes based on spiritual philosophy including but not limited to Ayurveda Healing Sounds or the agent wisdom of Cosmic Rays. Taking inspiration from a range of artists such as Fabienne Verdier, Alphons Mucha or František Kupka,  Ava’s artworks are grounded on subtle perception and display a strong love for mysticism, magic and the Divine Feminine, whilst holding a detailed and process-oriented approach to creating beautiful and beguiling artworks.

Initially creating artworks that explore the activating effects of symmetry and holistic geometry patterns on the viewer, Ava’s current practice has developed and evolved to an even more comprehensive visible language: Including explorations on colour theory, floral formations and most recently, investigating into material, has enabled the activation of physical and transient energies through her works continually. Seeking to engage her viewers with an influential Divine Feminine Voice, recent artworks by Ava such as ONENESS or HEAVEN ON EARTH have incorporated embedded layers of 24K gold. This simple addition simultaneously highlights the subtleties and complexities of her paintings and marks the beginning of a thoughtful investigation into a material often considered to be holy and sacred.